Monday, May 5, 2008



I think this course, Diploma in English for Communication are really good for the person whoa are really love and adore English. The learning and teaching process are totally in English, so it will improve the student’s skills how to communicate in English. This course are quite similar with the Mass Communication course but the differences is because this course are push more on grammar, writing style and also not forget of the communication. The assessment for this course are really interesting because every semester, the students will exposed to the working environments and teach the students how to be social and how to be a good communicator. I have learnt a lot of things from this course, how to be a good speaker, how to work in the groups and so on but the element that I really like about this course because it let the students being independent, more creative and artistic. For the subject Critical Literacy, There are many important things that I get from this subject such as I may know the purpose of a text from the style and the genre that the writer has chosen. I also may judge the value or quality of a piece of written material on the basis of how well it conforms to the rules of the genres selected. These subjects help me to improve my writing with using many idea and things that have been explain in the stories and facts. The information is so useful for me in case to practice the right procedures in writing and how to write a good report. The topic rules and regulation make me realize that in writing, there are also have the rules and regulation that we need to follow such as use the proper language and sentence; for example, we need to use passive or active structure. The rules and regulation build up my discipline to write in the right order and procedures. As a conclusion, the good writer is someone who practices all the writing process and try to use all the skill that is needed. There are also need to track all the writing rules and regulation to make sure they are writing in the right way.There are many ways how to improve this course, first of all, this course should annul the subject IELTS because it is really tough to score these subjects and will replace with the subjects which ca build up the students creativity.



There is an article explain about which is the priorities that the South African government should choose between drugs to decrease the numbers of AIDS cases or the weapons-acquisitions. To be precise, it covers the two controversies that just won’t go away in South Africa which is the arms and AIDS. A national AIDS activist group is trying to force the government into making antiretroviral drugs freely available to all HIV positive pregnant women in that country. The arms purchase also faces the challenge from another front. The South Africa government’s policy on AIDS was also under legal attack, this time from the Treatment Action Campaign. At present the drug is in only in a few pilot projects. The article purpose is to inform people about the important things that the South African government should think off first before making any decisions. Beside that, the writer does not only inform but also provides an extended persuading to South African government to make antiretroviral drugs freely available to all HIV positive pregnant women.



There is a text about a current issues relating to the phenomenon of weight control and issues about physical and mental health for the obesity people. This article covers a wide range relating to the trend of weight control and also involving to physical and mental strength. The writer of this article also provides the latest and new information based on recent research into weight loss. This article are informs people about the risks and hazards of commercially available weight loss programs. The writer also provides an extended warning the readers that they must not trust the claims made by commercially-driven product providers. Besides that, he also pains to encourage them that their current weight is probably appropriate. The writer highly critic both of the commercial weight loss products and also the medical views that are support them. He disagree that weight loss products simply do not work. The numbers of study which illustrate that not only do people recurrently regain any weight lost, they also gain weight, each time making further weight loss more difficult.


This topic is actually as a preparation for my third assignments which is critical review, I need to review the article from newspaper, magazine, or magazine but I choose my friends article and need to comment what she have written about the article that she had taken from the magazine. I need to review her topic, content, source, audience, rhetorical function, purpose, perspective, positioning, impact and visual literacy. This chapter is really importance because it introduces the skills that need to produce and evaluate the critical writing. It also help me to evaluate my friend view about the article and give me more knowledge about how to comment the article

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

ChaPteR SiX

“Invasion of the baby snatchers”


This article is actually is the preparation and exercise for my second assignment which is the article title “Are gay relationship different?” The article invasion of the baby snatchers is covers the children lost and there are a lot of cases that involves that involve s the children who had been kidnapped and mudded. I need to make a portfolio for this article and there are ten important that are include in this portfolio which are, topic, content, source, audience, the rhetorical function, purpose, perspectives, positioning, impact, and visual literacy. My lecturer had given the detail explanation on how to do the portfolio because I am not done it very well for my first assignment. During the class, the discussion was more on the article about gay because it is really important for my second assignment. What I have learn from the lesson today are, the reader need to be more critical for the material things that we read because maybe the writer have their hidden agenda.

cHaPtEr fIvE

Types of Exposition: ‘persuading that’ and ‘persuading to’.

Exposition can be defined as the characteristic feature of these texts is that they attempt to justify something, to provide reasons to support some thesis. There are two types of exposition based on differences in the purposes they achieve. The two types identifies are ‘analytical’ and ‘hortatory’ expositions. The previous attempt to persuade the recipient that something is true, while the latter try to persuade the recipient to do something. Analytic expositions are often associated with academic speaking and writing. Hortatory expositions include texts such as political speeches, letters to the editor and office memos designed to change employee behavior. The function of Exposition is to interpret and explain, so realizing cause and effects are important. Expositions are about why. The personality in Exposition is about the writing is often characterized as impersonal. It can be used to express attitudes and feelings and then look at how these structures are used in Exposition. Metaphor is usually something that teachers associate with poetry and narrative. Expository metaphors are rarely realized through simile-that is the poet’s tool. Expositions are not just Report of Descriptions. Rather things are explained in order to interpret the world. And metaphors are an effective way of getting beyond the obvious. Expositions are supposed to be rational and in our culture, reason and emotion are felt to be diametrically opposed to be rational.


From this chapter, I realized that there are many writing styles that the writer use, one of them is by using the metaphor, means that we use the metaphor to describe something as if it were something else with which it shares some common qualities. We can use metaphor for criticizes someone because we did not say it straight to the point so it will not hurt their feeling. Besides that, metaphor is really important for the poetic because metaphor is really unique and beautiful. I also realized that there are relationship between the writer’s choices and how these choices influence the reader. A metaphor plays a key role in enabling us to talk about and construct the world, and allows language users the flexibility to cope with rapidly changing circumstances. As a language reader, we are able to make sense of our world, and communicate that sense to others. But one more things for sure is important is the metaphors we choose, however, are reflections of both our personal and cultural perspectives. Besides that, the choice of metaphorical language in a text can help us understand the writer’s perspective and ideology.

Friday, April 4, 2008


What is the evidence?

This chapter is focusing on the evidence and it begins with the well-known case of the kidnapping of the infant son of Charles Lindbergh and examines the evidence, wholly circumstantial, that led to the conviction and execution of Bruno Hauptman. The writer goes on talk about the quality of evidence in other famous cases, including historical treatments of past events. The jury found Hauptman guilty after taking a look for strong evidence and this case is due, not so much to its intrinsic interest, as to the fact that it presents such a wealth of evidence. There are some who think that circumstantial evidence is not altogether trustworthy as a basis for determining guilt. They prefer testimonial evidence, such as that of eyewitness, who testify that they themselves have seen the accused commit the crime. People need to discuss a case involving testimonial evidence in a moment and need to seek the truth, but must be content with probability and not demand absolute certainly. The probabilities depend upon the evidence that is available.

- Crooked and fallacious thinking

The word statistic has two meanings. When it is used with a plural verb, it refers to information about any phenomenon or activity expressed in numerical form, such as vital statistic, college-enrolment figures, and opinion poll percentages. For the singular, it denotes the art and sciences of collecting, presenting, analyzing and interpreting numerical data. Statistic is the tool to make the maximum use of quantitative measurements and assessments. The important of statistic is human affairs is obvious from our tendency to associate facts closely with figures. The meanings of crooked and fallacious thinking are a manipulative tool in the hands of writers wishing to influence and affect the judgments of their readers. This topic is important to be able to interrogate the logic contained in the argument in a text. By the transfer device, a crooked thinkers transfers the prestige of something of which we approve.


From this chapter, evidence is the really important things in case to prove something, for example, the juries need to find the tough evidence to prove that the crimes are guilty or not. The probabilities depend upon the evidence that is available. We need to be more critical-minded, and never forget to ask the question, ‘What is the evidence?’ .When the evidence is confused, we ought to suspend judgment and wait for further evidence. Statistic is really important in human affairs because is obvious from our tendency to associate facts closely with figures. For example, there are statistics that record the population in Malaysia, so we know how many people who live in Malaysia. We also may know the figure of new birth and the death. From topic crooked and fallacious thinking, I think that we need to beware with this situation because it is one of manipulative tools that influence people to make the judgments and also may persuade people.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

ChApTeR 3 : A linguistic perspective

3.1 Differences between two texts

3.2. Speech and speakers: the formation of individuals in discourse and genre

3.2.1 Language and language users

3.2.2 Genre and reading position

In this chapter, there are illustrates the application of the model by using it to deconstruct two texts. The two texts are taken from a junior secondary commerce textbook. At first reading the texts appear relatively innocuous. The important things are coming from an ideological position which endorses and values entrepreneurial capitalism (and entrepreneurial capitalism) and at the same time devalues other ways of being. Text A is about why people go into business and text B is about what are the qualities of a successful business person. In terms of genres, Text A classified as a discussion. A discussion is a written genre typically used to present a reasoned account or both sides of an issue. Text B classified as a report and it is standard genres in the sciences and social sciences. They generally contain information which is considered unproblematic in the field. That is they are not cutting edge texts, they represents a summary of standard knowledge. They tend to present this knowledge as almost taken for granted not only open for dispute.

Speech and speakers: the formation of individuals in discourse and genre

This topic will discuss on the discourse and readers, discourse present modes talking about the world from the point of view of a social institution. One of the most thoroughly
studied is that of sexism. Sexiest discourse is about the socialization of the natural category of sex as gender. To give some concreteness to this topic, there are two further extracts from the Cleo, June 1984. The article describes different type of woman, in the office and instructs each type how to modify their behaviour in order to improve their at work. Language users do not to access to language as such to the whole language system abstractly. Their experience of language is mediated through their experiences of texts on social occasion, their knowledge of the systematic organization of linguistic form through discourse and genres. Genres similarly construct reading positions and each genre construct positions or roles which the participants in the genres occupy.

From this chapter, I have learnt how to differences the texts. When read the texts, this chapter will help me how to selected relevant aspects of the texts and looked at them through the filters of genre, register, and lexicon-grammar in an effort to dig out the ideology behind the texts. I can open up space for a number of critical readings, which then can provide the basis of informed debate, analysis and critique. To do this I have used an approach driven by systemic functional linguistic, which providing some analytic tools which can explicitly open up space for critical readings, enabling people to act as text analysts. From the topic discourse and readers, it explains to me how the texts shape people’s identities. An important things is when we speak or write, the discourse we draw on and are competent to use will vary, depending on the purposes of our speaking and writing, as well as other social factors such as the discourses we have learnt to use in our family life, education and work.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

cHaPtEr TwO

Language, perspective and ideology.

This chapter is elucidation about the effect of the processes of metaphor and metonymy that is arguably to distance the reader from the subjects of the article or reports. Since texts are the product of choices at all levels of the linguistic system, individual can shed some light on the nature of perspective by examining textual structure in the light of such choices. This process brings into plays a wide range of linguistic features and processes. At the semantic level, the classificatory question proves to be both crucial and problematic. The theme establishes the point of reference from which the sentence precedes and to which the remaining material is related. Every person has their own perspective and opinion when they read an article. The sings link together to form texts, so the notion of texts involves ideas of syntagmatic combination as well as paradigmatic choice. Obvious types of texts are sentences someone writes or a fashion outfit someone wears. Each of the text has paradigmatic and syntagmatic features. The words and clothes can be thought of as signs, and they join together to form a verbal text and a fashion text. Picture also can categories as a text, an example is announcement of Campbell’s Naturally proudcts. This text picks up on a long tradition of social thought and text concerned with the links between nature and culture. It represents a positive image of their relationship, that culture brings nature to fruition. There are a belief that is commonly accepted by a culture without the need for proof and close examination. Every person has their own point of view and understanding how the writer interpret their write and illustrate their text.

This chapter is more focusing how to analysis the text before we compose and create our own perspective. We are trying to understand what are the messages that the writer try to deliver, which is maybe the writer are bias and write a text for the other purpose. We as a reader have the rights to make our own point of view about the matter that they have write. As a reader, we shouldn’t believe and trust only what are on the text, but we also need to understand and try to find the other message that are hidden.

Monday, February 11, 2008

ChApTeR oNe

StOrIeS aNd FaCtS

There is an article that tells the readers about a nurse, Deborah Parry who had been suspected kill her college. I have been learnt how to criticizes that article from using the procedures and some technique that are include topic, content, source, audience, rhetorical function, purpose, perspective, positioning, impact and visual literacy. From that technique I may write the critical academic essay that will fulfill all the criteria and characteristic that related to the article.
The first chapter has been talk about the recount or a type of story in which people communicate. In informal communication I mostly talk about myself such as what I feel, what I did and also what I think. The important thing is the stories are developed around a sequence of actions. This topic also discuss about the procedure of writing, which is mention about possibly the closet type of factual essay to narrative is practice writing. Produces are general and it is regarding how things are done. Procedures are general can be seen to search the world in a way recount. All narrative writing is in fact limited in this way. This is why society has developed factual genres in my culture to go afar particular experiences, in order to interpret and understand. Factual writing and narratives are different, and the difference between them is they serve different functions in our culture. The main function of stories in our culture is to entertain, notwithstanding the small group of literary critics who take narrative very seriously indeed. Narrative is often taken as the model of what people mean by creative and imaginative writing. Factual essay is planned not to interest us, but to explore the world around us. Explanation focuses on a judgment made by the writer and it involve interpreting the world, the world, not simply observing it. There are the differences in ways how boys and girls write something, boys are more direct in writing. There are the rules and regulations when we write every single thing. Rules are instruction for behaving in ways which will brought about an intended or desired state.


There are many important things that I get from this chapter such as I may know the purpose of a text from the style and the genre that the writer has chosen. I also may judge the value or quality of a piece of written material on the basis of how well it conforms to the rules of the genres selected. This chapter will help me to improve my writing with using many idea and things that have been explain in the stories and facts.
The information is so useful for me in case to practice the right procedures in writing and how to write a good report. The topic rules and regulation make me realize that in writing, there are also have the rules and regulation that we need to follow such as use the proper language and sentence; for example, we need to use passive or active structure.
The rules and regulation build up my discipline to write in the right order and procedures.
As a conclusion, the good writer is someone who practices all the writing process and try to use all the skill that is needed. There are also need to track all the writing rules and regulation to make sure they are writing in the right way.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I've been awake for a while nowYou got me feeling like a child now'Cause every time I see your bubbly faceI get the tinglies in a silly placeIt starts in my toesAnd I crinkle my noseWherever it goesI always knowThat you make me smilePlease stay for a while nowJust take your timeWherever you goThe rain is falling on my window paneBut we are hiding in a safer placeUnder covers staying dry and warmYou give me feelings that I adoreIt starts in my toesMake me crinkle my noseWherever it goesI always knowThat you make me smilePlease stay for a while nowJust take your timeWherever you goWhat am I going to sayWhen you make me feel this wayI just mmmmmAnd it starts in my toesMakes me crinkle my noseWherever it goesI always knowThat you make me smilePlease stay for a while nowJust take your timeWherever you goI've been asleep for a while nowYou tuck me in just like a child now'Cause every time you hold me in your armsI'm comfortable enough to feel your warmthAnd it starts in my soulAnd I lose all controlWhen you kiss my noseThe feeling shows'cause you make me smile babyJust take your time nowHoldin' me tightWherever wherever wherever you goWherever wherever wherever you gowherever you goI always know'Cause you make me smileEven just for a while
Gothic love
KLPac will be staging a dark play about Frankenstein who falls for one of his creations, writes SHEELA CHANDRAN.
TO get into the Halloween mood, check out Frankenstein in Love that is playing at the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre starting tonight.
Inspired by Mary Shelly's classic horror story, Frankenstein in Love is writer-director Clive Barker's (Lord of Illusions, Nightbreed and Candyman and Hellraiser) updated interpretation of the terrifying tale.

The cast of Frankenstein in Love. (From left) Rashid Salleh, Melissa Maureen and Knnie Dowle.The story is about the last few days of the world where human life has become meaningless as mass genocide and sickness spread throughout the land.
In this gothic world, a bizarre love triangle emerges between Dr Joseph Frankenstein and his creation Veronique Flecker.
Frankenstein in Love’s story has elements of love and horror mixed with the macabre. It takes place in an alternate world where all its characters are corrupt, dead and monstrous.
Characters include El Coco (Rashid Salleh), Veronique Flecker (Melissa Maureen), President Garcia Perez (Patrick Teoh), Lazarro (Douglas Lim), Camilo Bozuffi (Ari Ratos) and Dr Frankenstein (Kennie Dowle). Gavin Yap directs the two-hour play.
According to Rashid, it is a challenge playing the conflicted anti-hero, El Coco. He said it is a stiff and boring role, which is a drastic change from his other theatrical works.
“I'm best known as a funny man and people associate me with my theatrical comedies such as A Streetcar Named Desire, Charley’s Auntie, Gross Indecency and The Importance of Being Earnest.
“Frankenstein in Love is a new ball game that involves dark humour and having to act with a straight face.
“Most of the actors in this play are comedians so it is challenging for us to switch from comedy to horror. This play requires lots of understanding and discipline. We are grounded and kept to our limits,” he said during an interview recently.
Rashid plays the mysterious El Coco aka Cesar Guerrero or The Boogeyman, a hideously disfigured golem who falls for Veronique, one of Frankenstein's masterpieces. When Frankenstein himself decides to woo Veronique, a peculiar love triangle emerges.
First-time theatre performer Melissa found her role interesting yet challenging. The actress who has starred in Table for Two, Gol & Gincu the Series and Realiti, said that acting in a stage play is different from TV acting and modelling.
“There's so much to learn in theatre. Everything is much bigger on stage and all the attention is on you. There is no room for mistakes,” she explained.
In this play, Veronique is Frankenstein's most intact creations. She is a vengeful monster with weird theories about life.
The love between El Coco and Veronique is unique where both are creations that are discovering each other. Apart from the love triangle, the story has other sub-segments such as father-son relationship and revenge.
She said: “Initially I was intimidated as I did not know what to expect from the other theatre personalities. However, working with them has been fun as they have been helpful and have made me love theatre even more.”
Frankenstein in Love is staged at 8pm from now till Nov 3 at Pentas 1 at The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, Sengul Park, Jalan Strachan, Kuala Lumpur. The show will be staged at 3pm on Oct 29. There is no show on Oct 30. For more information, call 03-4047 9010 or browse

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

no one

I just want you close
Where you can stay forever
You can be sure
That it will only get better
You and me togetherT
hrough the days and nights
I don't worry 'cause
Everything's going to be alright
People keep talking they can say what they like
But all i know is everything's going to be alright
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
When the rain is pouring down
And my heart is hurting
You will always be around
This I know for certain
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don't worry 'causeEverything's going to be alright
People keep talking they can say what they like
But all i know is everything's going to be alright
No one, no one, no oneCan get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one, no one, no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you
Can get in the way of what I feelI know some people search the world
To find something like what we haveI know people will try
try to divide something so realSo till the end of time
I'm telling you there ain't no oneNo one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feelingNo one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you
Can get in the way of what I feel for you